The Raging Spoon Catering company, established in 1997, is one of five consumer/survivor businesses operating under the umbrella of Working for Change. The Spoon, as it is fondly known, is located at the 1658 Queen Street West.

The Spoon delivers throughout central Toronto, offering a variety of appetizers, hot and cold entrees and desserts.

Contact information:

Michael Lewin, Business Manager
1658 Queen   Street West
Toronto, ONM6R 1B2
Phone: (416) 504-6128

J.P. Cowan, Kitchen Co-coordinator

Working for Change

1499 Queen  Street West
Toronto, On M6R 1A3
Phone: (416)504-1693

Dr. Joyce Brown, Executive Director

Michael Creek, Director of Strategic Initiatives


1658 Queen   Street West
Toronto, ONM6R 1B2




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